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Monday, October 13, 2008

Windows Vista on a Laptop for Microstocking

I recently purchased a Dell Inspiron (will review it when I have time later) which came pre-installed with Windows Vista Home Premium. As much as I like to make fun of Microsoft Blue Screens of Death, I'm quite impressed with Vista's layout and capabilities. Much of the layout (especially the media center) seems to be direct emulations of the Apple OS. But given the daily raves that Apple gets for its software/hardware, do you blame Microsoft? I like Apple hardware as much as the next technogeek, but I just can't stomach the price. That's why I opted for a Dell at 1/3 of the price and slapped in 4 GB of DRAM. It handles Photoshop on the road quite nicely. Being able to shoot tethered anywhere I go is also a big plus. The print-screen above is of some of the folders that I use to organize my microstock workflow.

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